Our school Shri Kelawani Mandal Secondary and Higher Secondary was established in AD. 1984. The school has since been functioning as a Granted School. The main purpose of establishing the school was to give priority to free education and girl education. This school was inaugurated by the then Chief Minister Shri Chimanbhai Patel and the then Revenue Minister Dalsukhbhai Godhani. A hostel for backward class children coming from distant areas was also started in this campus. This school provides education from class 9 to 12.
To provide safe, nurturing, high quality education with Indian core values and an inclusive environment that fosters academic excellence, holistic development, and social responsibility in learners.
To inspire each learner to reach their true potential through an enriched, joyful, learner centric, holistic education thereby encouraging learners to become independent thinkers and socially responsible global citizens with Indian values.